1.After you've login to your admin area, proceed to your Customer Helpdesk module or click 'Admin' > 'Installation' if your Customer Helpdesk is yet to install.
2.Click on 'Manage Ticket > Add Ticket' to insert customer posted issues into your database. First, select the 'Ticket Type' either 'Standard', 'Archived' or 'Flagged'. Then, select ticket Status either 'New', 'Open' or 'Close'.
3.Enter your customer's Name, and Email address. Select a 'Department' name accordingly and select ticket's 'Priority' either 'Low', 'Medium', 'High' or 'Urgent'.
4.Some tickets posted are specifically related to particular products. If your business is dealing with a wide range of products and services, list out all of them in 'Manage Support Product' section. Then, select a 'Product' in which the issue is related to.
a 'Order No' if any. Also, you can attach files to your ticket for your
references. Tick checkbox of 'Email Ticket Info To Customer' to send a
copy for customer. Click on 'Add' button to save tickets info and
(Note: 'Department', 'Priority', 'Product',
and 'Order No' fields are optional. You can uncheck the options at the
'Form Field Setting' section to hide the fields from being displayed).