Setting a Mailing List Overview

A mailing list can simplify sending messages to a large group of people. You can add a group of email addresses to a mailing list to avoid typing in those addresses each time a mailing is sent. This can be very useful when sending newsletters or other updates to large groups of people.

Steps to CREATE A Mailing List:

  1. LOGIN to you CPanel Account.
  2. On "Mail Section", CLICK "Mailing Lists"
  3. SET the following:
    - List Name: ENTER the name of your new mailing list.
    - Domain: SELECT the domain you want your new mailing list to be used on from the drop down menu.
    - Password: ENTER the password to your new mailing list.
  4. CLICK on the "Add Mailing List" button.
  5. After the page loads, you should see a confirmation statement. CLICK on the "Go Back" button.
  6. You will see a five-column table consisting of the following information (List Name; Usage; Access; Admin; Functions)
    Note: In Functions:
    - Delete: CLICK to delete the associated mailing list.
    - Change Password: CLICK to modify/change the associated mailing list's password.
    - Manage: CLICK to edit your settings about your mailing list.
    - Delegation: CLICK to edit the list of administrative privilege to access the mailing list.