From the Homescreen, go to Menu and CLICK SETUP.
2. CLICK Email Accounts.
3. CLICK Internet Mail Account. (Step 4 is not applicable first email set-up)
4. For those with existing email account set-up in their Blackberry, you can CLICK Set up another email account.
5. CLICK Other (Company Email)
6. ENTER your email address and password and then click Continue.
7. A processing message will appear on your screen.
8. After processing, an Account Setup Confirmation will appear. CLICK Change Settings
9. Scroll down and click on Advanced Options. Edit the following settings:
Email Server:
Use SSL: Port number will automatically change from 110 to 995 one SSL option has been selected.
10. Then, CLICK Save.
11. Has been set-up. CLICK on Return to Setup.
How to configure email on Blackberry? Print
Modified on: Thu, Aug 20, 2015 at 5:05 PM
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