- To
create a customer login account, lets proceed to 'Customer List' >
'Add Customer'. To begin, choose a 'Category' to locate the customer
under a specific group. (The categories can be created in 'Customer List
> Manage Category').
- Then,
enter his/her personal info such as 'First Name', 'Last Name',
'Company', and 'Email address'. Next, create customer's login info such
as 'Username' and 'Password', select account's 'Status' either 'Active'
or 'Suspend', and 'Set Access For Product Price Group' (Grant customer
with access right to selected price group that you have created).
- Enter
your customer billing address and shipping address such as 'First
Name', 'Last Name', 'Address', 'City', 'State', etc. Once you're done,
click on 'Add' button.