1. To view the entire products, go to the 'Product Catalog' > 'List Product'. Use any one of the search option such as 'All Product' to view the entire products, 'Featured Products', 'Search In Category' (Browse to the product category that you want), 'Product Name', 'SKU/Code', and product Visibility (Display all hide or showed products).

  2. Once you hit the 'Search' button, your search results will be displayed in the list. Products info such as product 'Code', 'Name' and 'Quantity in Stock' will be shown. You can update products 'Visibility' (Hide/Show products), and re-arrange products sequence. Click on 'Update List' once you're done.

  3. To edit particular product details, click on icon and the edit page is similar to 'Add Product' page. Easily remove multiple products by putting a check on respective products and click on 'Delete Selected'.