1. For a full inventory control, select 'Quantity in Stock' to define number of stocks available and it will be updated itself after each purchase has been made. Select 'No Quantity Limit' to allow customers to enter number of products they want.

  2. Define the 'Min Order Amount' to specific the minimum number of order(s). Also, define product 'Weight' in Kilogram if any. Select 'Hide' to hide product from public viewing.

  3. Click to unselect options such as 'Set As New' (Remove a 'New' icon from your displayed product), unselect 'Featured Product' (Hide particular product name in the featured product section at front end), and unselect 'Taxable' for non-taxed products.

  4. To keep track of number of visitors' views and number of votes, define how many 'Hits' and 'Votes' at the initial stage. The Average Rating is ranging from 0 (Poor) to 5 (Excellent).

  5. You can also recommend several product categories to your customers. Select multiple categories from the menu list. Once you've completed, click on 'Add' button.