1.Manage your members account in different database groups. First and foremost, enter the following info:
- Database Group - The name for your database group.
- MySQL Host - The host name of the server where MySQL is installed, such as localhost (the most common used name).
- MySQL Username - The user account of MySQL database.
- MySQL Password - The password for the above user account.
- MySQL Database - The name of the MySQL database you've created to store various tables, for eg. newsletter_subscribe.
Subsequently, click the 'Submit' button to connect to your MySQL host.
Then, the entire table names will be displayed in the MySQL tables list
where you can select multiple tables to allow your group members to
(Note :Selected tables
are accessible by members only where they can gain access to these
tables and upload CSV file through the front end).
3. Click 'Add' button once you've selected the tables above and created database group's name will appear in the table below where you can edit and remove respective records