1. Create multiple users to manage their own blogs at front-end. To do so, click on 'Community' > 'Add User'.

  2. Enter a user 'Name', 'Email', 'Domain Display', and create a user account such as 'Username' and 'Password'. (The 'Domain Display' name will appear in the (domain=" ") together with your oneadmin site URL, e.g. "http://your_domain/oneadmin/index.php?domain=May").

  3. Then, proceed to the 'Blog Setting' where you can enter your 'Blog Main Title' (The title will appear at the begining or on top of your blog page), 'Blog Main Description', and attach your 'Photo' to display it if any.

    Note : You can leave the 'Blog Setting' section blank if you do not wish to display blog's title, description and photo in your user account.

Select your blog's Status either 'Approve', 'Pending' or 'Suspend'. Click on 'Add' button once you are done. (Upload image file with *.jpg or *.png or *.bmp or *.gif or *.jpeg format).