1. After you've login to your admin area, proceed to your Web Blogger or click on 'Admin' > 'Installation' if your Web Blogger has yet to install.

  2. To add a new blog, click on 'Write Blog' > 'Add Blog'. 'Select an User' that you've created earlier (Create user name in 'Community > Add User') in order to locate the new blog into the particular user account. Then, change the default date ('Publish Blog on') from icon and change time in HH:MM:SS.

  3. Select the blog's Category from the drop down list (Create different categories to locate your blogs in a specific group), and you are required to enter a Blog's Title. Also, select your blog's Status either 'Approve', 'Pending' or 'Suspend', enter blog's Sequence, and enter number of times viewed.

  4. Uncheck 'Display' option to hide blogs from public viewing and uncheck 'Show in RSS' option to disable users from subscribing your RSS news feeds.

  5. Type your blog content in HTML editor where you can personalize font color, size, create table, add picture, etc.

  6. In the 'View Blog Permission' section, select either to 'Allow public to view this blog' or 'Only allow people you have added to the friend list to view this blog'.

  7. In the 'Post Comment Permission' section, select either to 'Allow public to post comment', 'Only allow people you have added to the friend list to post comment' or 'Do not allow anyone to post comment'.

Click on 'Add' button once you've completed.