1. This is the edit page upon clicking on pencil icon. From here, you can view total 'Clicks-In', 'Clicks-out', 'Average Rating', number of 'Votes' and 'Hits'. Edit and update link's info at your own preference.

  2. Choose a category in which your links will be located (These categories are created in 'Category' page), enter 'Link Title' (Title's name, e.g. Photo Gallery), and the 'Link URL' (Complete URL of the domain, e.g. 'http://www.leentechsystems.com/photogallery.php').

  3. The 'Link Back ID' has created for you by default (This is a special id of specific webpage that bring users to the page once they clicked on URL links). You can edit the default 'Date Created' in (yyyy-mm-dd) and enter the 'Date Modified'. In the 'Expiry of 'New' Status, define your own date or enter '0000-00-00' for never expired, Also, enter your link's description in a text area provided.

  4. To change existing image, simply click on 'Delete' and browse to your new image. (This image will appear in 'Premium Link' section). Enter a 'Reciprocal URL' (When users submit links to your site, in return, you may wish to have your link placed on their site, which it will creates a link back to you.)

  5. Enter a 'Contact Name', and 'Email Address' of the person who submit links and select the 'Link Type' either a ' Normal ' link or a 'Premium' link. Also, Select link's 'Status' either 'Active', 'Pending', 'Ban', or 'Broken'. Uncheck 'Editor's Pick' to indicate that the link is selected by an editor's and uncheck 'Visible' option to hide your link from being displayed at front-end.

  6. Define link's 'Rating' (Excellent=5, Very Good=4, Good=3, Fair=2, Poor=1), define number of 'Votes' (Visitor votes) and 'Hits' (Number of visitors who view detailed page).

Define number of 'Clicks In' (Visits total from other webpages) and 'Clicks Out' (Visit totals to your links), and edit link's review for public viewing. After you've approved a link, enable Send 'Notification of Link Approval' Email for link's owner. Once done, click on 'Update' button to save changes.