1. To create various fields in your form, click on 'Form Fields' to begin. You'll land on a page, where you've to select a 'Form Name' and 'Page Name' that you wish to create fields on it.

  2. After you've selected the form and page you want, click on 'Add New Field' and a page similar to above will prompt to you.

  3. From the page, you can select a 'Field Type' either 'Label', 'Text', 'Text Area', 'File', 'Drop Down Selection', 'Multi Selection', 'Radio Button', 'Check Box', 'HTML Editor' or 'Calculation'. Each field type has different settings and personalize each field at your own preference.

  4. Click on 'Add' button to add field into your form. Then, click on 'Preview Page' to preview your form with fields in a new page, hit 'Refresh Page' to update changes and easily remove selected fields in just a click.

  5. Rearrange your fields sequence with relative ease by editing the number in each text box, then click on 'Update List' to update form instantly. Meanwhile, to edit respective fields info, click on icon.


    1. Create a 'Label Caption' using HTML Editor, e.g. 'Please Enter Your Info Here!' and select the 'Location Field' for e.g. 'At Beginning Of Page'.


    1. Field Caption - Enter a field name to display at front-end, e.g. 'Your Name'.

    2. Location Field - Select a location to place this field in your form, e.g. 'After Label Field'.

    3. Field Name - This is your database field name, e.g. name. Keep the name short, and no space is allowed.

    4. Tips - Write a short tips if necessary to give users a hint of what to input in the text box. Tips will appear on top the text box.

    5. Required Field - Check this option if it is a mandatory field which cannot be left blanked.

    6. Use In Calculation - Check this option to use as variable for calculation purposes. Normally, the input type is numeric or value that involve calculation, such as total cost, total days, etc.

    7. Set As Auto Responder's Email - Check this option when user input is an email address where system will send auto-responder to recipient email.

    8. Field Validation - Select any of these options if it's required 'Valid Email Address' (john@yourdomain.com), 'Password' ( size 6-20), 'Digit Only' (input 9, 100), 'Digit and Decimal Points' (12.50), or check 'None' without any validation.

    9. Field Size - Enter your text box size in pixel and insert 'Default Value' if any which will be shown in the text box.

Text Area

    1. Field Caption - Enter a field name to display at front-end, e.g. 'Home Address'.

    2. Location Field - Select a location to place this field in your form, e.g. 'After Your Name'.

    3. Field Name - This is your database field name, e.g. address. Keep the name short, and no space is allowed.

    4. Tips - Write a short tips if necessary to give users a hint of what to input in the text area. Tips will appear on top this text area.

    5. Required Field - Check this option if it is a mandatory field which cannot be left blanked.

    6. Columns & Rows - Set the width and height of your text area. e.g. 300 (Columns), 120 (Rows)


    1. Field Caption - Enter a field name to display at front-end, e.g. 'Upload File'.

    2. Location Field - Select a location to place this field in your form, e.g. 'At The End Of Page'.

    3. Field Name - This is your database field name, e.g. file. Keep the name short, and no space is allowed.

    4. Tips - Write a short tips if necessary to give users a hint of what and how to upload file, e.g. 'Upload only non-executable file'.

    5. Required Field - Check this option if it is a mandatory field which cannot be left blanked.

Drop Down Selection

    1. Field Caption - Enter a field name to display at front-end, e.g. 'Occupation'.

    2. Location Field - Select a location to place this field in your form, e.g. 'After Home Address'.

    3. Field Name - This is your database field name, e.g. occupation. Keep the name short, and no space is allowed.

    4. Tips - Write a short tips if necessary to give users a hint of what is this field about.

    5. Required Field - Check this option if it is a mandatory field which cannot be left blanked.

    6. Options - Add several occupations like, Doctors, Lawyer, etc. Rearrange the occupations accordingly using the and icon. Select an occupation as default so, it'll appear at the beginning in your drop down or create a default and name it as 'Please Select'. Also, select any option and check 'Use Empty Value' (null). Enter the 'Size' of your drop down selection, if you wish to input 5 selections, then the sizes are 5.

      (Note: To edit respective options, click on any data and make changes, subsequently click on 'Edit' button.)

Multi Selection

    1. Field Caption - Enter a field name to display at front-end, e.g. 'Services'.

    2. Location Field - Select a location to place this field in your form, e.g. 'After Occupation Field'.

    3. Field Name - This is your database field name, e.g. service. Keep the name short, and no space is allowed.

    4. Tips - Write a short tips if necessary to give users a hint of what is this field about.

    5. Required Field - Check this option if it is a mandatory field which cannot be left blanked.

    6. Options - Add several occupations like, Technical Support, Installation, etc. Rearrange the options accordingly using the and icon. Select more than one services as default or create a default and name it as 'Please Select'. Also, select any option and check 'Use Empty Value' (null).

Radio Button

    1. Field Caption - Enter a field name to display at front-end, e.g. 'Receive Newsletter'.

    2. Location Field - Select a location to place this field in your form, e.g. 'After Services'.

    3. Field Name - This is your database field name, e.g. newsletter. Keep the name short, and no space is allowed.

    4. Tips - Write a short tips if necessary to give users a hint of what is this field about, e.g. 'Select Yes To Subscribe To Monthly Newletter'.

    5. Required Field - Check this option if it is a mandatory field which cannot be left blanked.

    6. Options - Add options like 'Yes' and 'No' to allow users to select either one. Rearrange the options accordingly using the and icon. Select an option as default, and simply edit info.

Check Box

    1. Field Caption - Enter a field name to display at front-end, e.g. 'Subscription Type'.

    2. Location Field - Select a location to place this field in your form, e.g. 'After Receive Newsletter'.

    3. Field Name - This is your database field name, e.g. type. Keep the name short, and no space is allowed.

    4. Tips - Write a short tips if necessary to give users a hint of what is this field about, e.g. 'Pick Any Type Of Newsletter You Want'.

    5. Required Field - Check this option if it is a mandatory field which cannot be left blanked.

    6. Options - Add options like 'Sports', 'Entertainment' to allow users to select more than one options. Rearrange the options accordingly using the and icon. Select an option as default, and simply edit info.

HTML Editor

    1. Field Caption - Enter a field name to display at front-end, e.g. 'Feedback'.

    2. Location Field - Select a location to place this field in your form, e.g. 'After Subscription Type'.

    3. Field Name - This is your database field name, e.g. feedback. Keep the name short, and no space is allowed.

    4. Tips - Write a short tips if necessary to give users a hint of what is this field about, e.g. 'Please Write Your Message Here!'.


    1. Field Caption - Enter a field name to display at front-end, e.g. 'Total Charge'.

    2. Location Field - Select a location to place this field in your form.

    3. Field Name - This is your database field name, e.g. total. Keep the name short, and no space is allowed.

Formula - Click to select various mathematical symbols like '+', '-', etc to help you create a simple formula. And click on available variables in 'Calculation Fields', e.g. [[day]]*[[amount]].

(Note : Do not remove all variables placed within [[ ]] brackets.)