you've login to your admin area, proceed to your Form Designer or click
on 'Admin' > 'Installation' if your Form Designer is yet to install.
You can create your own forms or select preset forms to help you
create. To begin, please click on 'Manage Form' > 'Add Form'.
Create your own form
- To
create a brand new form, enter your 'Form Name' which is the name or
type of form you wish to create, e.g. Sales Enquiry Form.
- Then,
enter a complete 'Web Page URL' of your domain in order to display your
form at the front-end, e.g. ''.
- Select your preferable options at below in enabling the system to perform 'Upon Form Submission':
- Select
either to 'Direct User To Thank You Page' (Prompt user to a Thank You
page) or 'Redirect User to URL' (Link to a new page) upon form
submission. If you choose 'Redirect User to URL', enter a complete URL
of specific website.
- 'Notify Admin' - System will send notification email to admin when users submit form.
- 'Auto-Responder' - Send email to respective users after they submit form.
- 'Send Extra Email Copies' - Enable this option to send email to different user groups concurrently.
'Display In Menu' - Display created Form Name in your front-end menu.
- 'Preview & Print Page' - Enable users to preview and print out form after they have filled out the form.
- 'Prohibit Multiple Submissions' - Restrict a user to submit the same form more than once.
- Also,
select the 'Location Of Tips' either 'Above Field' or Below Field'
(Note : Tip is a hint given to users on how to answer questions in your
- Personalize
a 'Thank You Message' in Rich Text format using HTML editor, e.g.
'Thank you for your submission. We will get back to you shortly.'