1. Click on 'Add News' to create Announcement, News Article, or even create an External Link to direct users to specific Website. If you select 'External Link' option, enter a site URL for the link. (Check the radio button before you proceed).

  2. Browse to a 'Category' to locate your news under a specific group. Select the 'Publish Date' (By default, it's today's date) and 'Date Expired' (Auto-remove news at front end upon expired). Leave the 'Date Expired' blanks to display your news until you manually set 'No' to hide).

  3. Enter the 'Title' for your news, announcement or link's title. If you wish to insert a thumbnail which will display adjacent to news title, browse to your file in GIF or JPEG format and upload it.

  4. Click 'Yes' radio button to display your announcement, news articles or links and define the sequence to display them accordingly.

  5. Enter your 'Summary' and 'News Article Content' using HTML editor where you can personalize font color, size, create table, insert links, upload images and others. Click on 'Add' button to complete task.