- Upon clicking on pencil
for a respective post in 'List Post', a page similar to above will
display where you can edit and update guestbook details at instant.
- The
'Date Post' is shown by default and it's not editable, but you can
change visitor's 'IP Address', 'First Name', 'Last Name', 'Email',
'Website', and visitor's 'Country'. Also, modify 'Guestbook Content' in
Rich text format using HTML editor.
- Check
the 'Private Post Only' to allow only admin to view this post.
Meanwhile, uncheck 'Show' option to hide it from public viewing and
select guestbook 'Status' as 'Approve' or 'Pending as you wish.
(Note: Please note that, if you have selected 'Private Post Only' which means that your post is viewable by admin only and it will not display at your front end even if you check 'Show' option.) - Click on 'Update' button once you're done or click on 'Delete' button to remove particular post right away. Use a navigator to help you edit the following guestbook and click on 'View Comment' located on the top right to view visitor comments for particular guestbook.