After you've login to the admin area, click on 'Contact Form' module's icon on your left. Then, you'll see a list of messages/inquiries sent by users or click on 'List Messages'.


How to shorten list?

To shorten the list, you can select 'Date Posted From' and 'through' using icon. Subsequently, hit the 'Search' button. (Note: You can also search for a specific date when user inquiries were sent.)

How to sort list and reversed list?

If you wish to sort list in alphabetical order or reversed order for the ease of viewing, click on upper arrow or lower arrow icon in the list header.


How to delete message?

You can delete message one by one or delete all at once. Tick checkbox correspond to the message you wish to delete or tick checkbox on top to select all. Click 'Delete Selected' to remove messages. To view an inquiry, click on pencil icon where you can edit and update users info.