1. How to log in:
-At the member login section, enter your Username and Password to access personal album assigned by admin.
Answer on how to view enlarged photos:
-Click on your ideal photo's thumbnail to view enlarged photo. A new page will prompt to you displaying photo and info. Such as photo Publish Date, Hits, and Rating.
2.How to submit photos:
1. Submit your photos through front end. Enter Your Name, Email Address, and browse to the category that you wish to locate your photo.
2. Then, enter a Photo Title, and browse to your Photo File (Note: Upload GIF photo when using GD 2.0, and JPEG photo when using GD 1.6, 2.0 or above).
3. Enter a Brief Description about your photo in a text area and enter More Description using Rich text to personalize your font size, color, insert table, create hyperlink, etc.
4. Last of all; enter Validation Code to secure your form from being spammed by an automatic system. Subsequently, click on Submit My Photo.
3. How to search photos:
1. Perform search on your preferable photos by browsing the categories in the drop down list or enter keyword to search.
2. Click to select any search option at the menu section and click on 'Go' button. Search result will be populated in the content area.